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Dignified Storytelling blog

Welcome to the Dignified Storytelling blog. With an objective to safeguard human dignity in storytelling, through our blog we strive to bring you inspiring stories from around the world, the latest insights and news updates to keep you informed about dignified storytelling. We hope you enjoy the blog content. We are constantly looking to improve it, so please leave us your feedback through the Contact section and also let us know what stories you would like to see included in the blog. We also encourage you to use the social share buttons at the end of each blog post, to share your favorite stories on your own social media, to help spread the word about telling stories with human dignity at heart. 

Michael Kass

Ethical Storytelling as a Decolonizing Practice

Storytelling is much more than a tool for communication. The stories we tell and how we tell them are the basic building blocks of belief, culture, and community. This article explores Ethical Storytelling as a practice, mindset, and toolkit that can (and must) be a powerful part of building a more diverse, equitable, inclusive not-for-profit and impact sector. We all have the capacity to craft stories and weave systems of culture and behavior….what will we do with that power?

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Well Made Strategy

Children’s voices must be heard

Magic happens when educators put children at the centre of what they do. I remember a session organized by RELI Kenya in July 2022 when children were invited to speak with educators.

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Do you have a blog post or article that you would like featured on the Dignified Storytelling bog? If so, please send us your entry*

*subject to editorial discretion
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