Putting Dignified Storytelling into Practice

21 Oct 2020 | 5-7pm GST

Summary of Consultation #1

The first consultation for Dignified Storytelling was held on Wednesday, October 21, 2020 with 27 participants in attendance, representing international and national organizations (26% and 15%, respectively), independent consultants/freelance storytellers (19%), foundations (11%), academic institutions (1%), and other types of organizations (22%).


Of the participants, the majority (60%) identified as both being both storytellers themselves and working with storytellers; 30% identified strictly as storytellers, and 10% identified as primarily working with storytellers.


The consultation was the first in a series of discussions to help inform the Dignified Storytelling Guidebook, a component of the wider Dignified Storytelling initiative. The main purpose was to discuss the practical steps that storytellers take to ensure their stories promote a respect for human dignity. It also served as an introduction to Dignified Storytelling and to others with a shared interest in telling impactful and ethical stories. 


During two breakout discussion sessions, participants dialogued around several discussion questions, sharing insights based on their expertise and experiences telling stories within development contexts.