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Events are at the heart of Dignified Storytelling. Consultations to solicit cross-sectoral perspectives on storytelling within development and humanitarian context, will ensure the consultative development of Dignified Storytelling Principles and Handbook. Whereas events will offer a platform for key stakeholders to agree on a way forward in validating, adopting, and integrating Dignified Storytelling.

Events at Expo 2020 Dubai

Dignified Storytelling was featured across Expo 2020’s rich calendar of specialist programming, which reflected and celebrated the spirit of Dignified Storytelling throughout the 6-month event. Encompassing cultural, social, economic, environmental and UAE-based themes, the program series sought to garner solidarity around global challenges, spotlight areas of mutual interest and importance, and ensure the emergence of a meaningful legacy at the national, regional and international level.

The Dignified Storytelling Forum held at Expo2020 Dubai on 10 December 2021


Dignified Storytelling is hosting  a series of consultations to solicit cross-sectoral perspectives on storytelling within development and humanitarian contexts, as well as set and agree on the Dignified Storytelling Principles that today serve as guidance and an advocacy tool for bringing together various stakeholders from around the world to form a global movement that will be a game changer in maintaining and promoting human dignity through storytelling.