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Empowering Female Storytellers

In-House event

Canon Inc. is a global supporter of the  United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and through the Canon Miraisha programme and the Canon Young People Programme, this global leader of imaging and optical products is  enabling young people across Europe, Middle East and Africa to tell the stories that matter to them, empowering storytelling and driving gender equality for the next generation.

For this event, Canon, the United Nations Department of Global Communications (UNDGC) and Dignified Storytelling came together to explore the human value of storytelling and how female storytellers connect us to our world. Participants heard first-hand accounts of the attitudes and experiences of three female Canon Ambassadors and learned directly about ways you can be empowered to tell your own story.

Canon’s corporate philosophy, Kyosei, is a Japanese concept that means living and working together for the common good. It brings to life the company’s commitment to sustainability, how its stakeholders work together, and its desire to create an environment for everyone to thrive and grow. There are young people across the world with a story to tell, a desire to create change and make the future brighter for us all, and supporting them is in our best interest.

Speakers of the Day

Panel 1 - Why Storytelling Matters

Ragy Saro

Head of International Organizations at EXPO 2020 Dubai and Dignified Storytelling Lead

Jayashri Wyatt

Chief, Education Outreach at the UN Department of Global Communications

Georgina Goodwin

Canon Miraisha Trainer

Adam Pensotti 

Canon Young People Programme

Panel 2 - Storytelling from the female perspective

Adam Pensotti

Canon Young People Programme

Dena Assaf

United Nations Resident Coordinator, UAE

Tasneem Al Sultan

Canon Ambassador – Middle East

Georgina Goodwin

Miraisha Trainer – Africa

Eliška Sky

Canon Ambassador – Europe

Watch Session 1:

Watch Session 2: